UCPI 정세분석세미나

[일지] 아주대 미중정책연구소 정세분석세미나 2020-10

아주대학교 미중정책연구소 정세분석세미나 2020-10

시   간: 2020년 11월 16일

참여자: 과숙한, 김찬중, 서민혜, 안슬기, 이창주, 전태동, 최연실  

주요 내용: 

U.S. Department of Defense Hosts First Crisis Communications Working Group

With the People's Republic of China People's Liberation Army

OCT. 29, 2020



On October 28 and 29, 2020, U.S. and Chinese defense officials convened the first Crisis Communications Working Group by video teleconference to discuss concepts of crisis communications, crisis prevention, and crisis management.


The meeting provided an opportunity to build mutual understanding between the U.S. military and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on principles to prevent and manage crisis and reduce risk to forces. The two sides agreed on the importance of establishing mechanisms for timely communication during a crisis, as well as the need to maintain regular communication channels to prevent crisis and conduct post-crisis assessment.


The U.S. delegation, as host, included representatives from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, and the United States Indo-Pacific Command. The Chinese delegation included representatives of the Central Military Commission’s (CMC) Office for International Military Cooperation, the CMC Joint Staff Department, and the PLA Southern Theater Command.


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