UCPI 자료실

[2015.10.28] 2015 United States-Republic of Korea Joint Statement on North Korea

  • 김흥규
  • 2016-02-03
  • 1775

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

October 16, 2015


2015 United States-Republic of Korea Joint Statement on North Korea

On October 16, 2015, President Barack Obama of the United States of America and President Park Geun-hye of the Republic of Korea committed to the following.

The United States-Republic of Korea alliance remains committed to countering the threat to peace and security posed by North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs as well as other provocations. We will maintain our robust deterrence posture and continue to modernize our alliance and enhance our close collaboration to better respond to all forms of North Korean provocations.

The United States and the Republic of Korea share deep concern about the continued advancement of North Korea’s UN-proscribed nuclear and missile capabilities and commit to address the North Korean nuclear problem with utmost urgency and determination.

이란, 시리아 문제에 뒤쳐져있던 북핵문제를 수면으로 끌어올린 좋은기회.

We reaffirm our commitment to our common goal, shared by the international community, to achieve the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea in a peaceful manner. North Korea’s continuing development of its nuclear and ballistic missile programs is an ongoing violation of multiple UN Security Council resolutions and is contrary to North Korea’s commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks. We strongly urge North Korea to immediately and fully comply with its international obligations and commitments. 

We oppose any actions by North Korea that raise tensions or violate UN Security Council resolutions. In particular, if North Korea carries out a launch using ballistic missile technology or a nuclear test, it will face consequences, including seeking further significant measures by the UN Security Council.  In this regard, we are committed to working with the international community to ensure the effective and transparent implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions, including sanctions measures, concerning North Korea, and we encourage all states to exercise strict vigilance against North Korea’s prohibited activities.

The United States and the Republic of Korea maintain no hostile policy towards North Korea and remain open to dialogue with North Korea to achieve our shared goal of denuclearization.

 “한국과 미국은 대북 적대시 정책을 갖고 있지 않으며, 비핵화라는 우리의 공동목표를 달성하기 위한 북한과의 대화에 열려 있는 입장”이라고 함으로써 북한에 문을 열어둠. 즉 북한이 핵 문제 해결을 위한 대화에 나올 경우 포괄적인 관계 개선에 나설 수 있음을 시사

 Recognizing the common interests of our Six-Party Talks partners in the denuclearization of North Korea, we will continue to strengthen our coordination with China and the other parties in order to bring North Korea, which has refused all offers of denuclearization dialogue, back to credible and meaningful talks as soon as possible.

한·미·일 관계에 주로 써 온 ‘공조’ 대상에 중국을 포함함으로써 향후 한·미·중 공조체제를 본격 가동할 것임을 예고

We reaffirm that we will never accept North Korea as a nuclear-weapon state, and that its continued pursuit of nuclear weapons is incompatible with its economic development goals. Along with the rest of the international community, we stand ready to offer a brighter future to North Korea, if North Korea demonstrates a genuine willingness to completely abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, and agrees to abide by its international obligations and commitments.

The United States appreciates President Park’s tireless efforts to improve inter-Korean relations, including through repeated overtures to North Korea, and welcomes President Park’s principled approach that resulted in a peaceful resolution of the August tensions.  The United States will continue to strongly support her vision of a peacefully unified Korean Peninsula, as envisaged in her Dresden address. We will intensify high-level strategic consultations to create a favorable environment for the peaceful unification of the Korean Peninsula. 

“평화통일에 유리한 환경을 조성하기 위한 고위급 협의를 강화할 것”이라고 함으로써 조만간 한·미 동맹을 단순히 북한의 위협에 대처하는 동맹이 아니라 평화통일에 기여하는 수단으로 활용하기 위한 구체적 논의가 고위급 대화를 통해 진행될 것으로 보임.

The Republic of Korea and the United States join the international community in condemning the deplorable human rights situation in North Korea as documented in the 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry report. We look forward to supporting the work of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Seoul). We remain dedicated to working with the international community to improve the human rights situation in North Korea and ensure accountability for human rights violations, as well as to improve the livelihood of the people in North Korea.


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

October 16, 2015


Joint Fact Sheet: The United States-Republic of Korea Alliance: Shared Values, New Frontiers

On the occasion of the second visit of President Park to the United States, the partnership between the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK) has reached new levels of achievement.  Our strong Alliance is a testament to our dedication and serves as the linchpin of peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and across the Asia-Pacific region.  Washington and Seoul are working together to manage a range of complex issues on the Peninsula, in the region, and around the world.  Over the past year we have deterred and defended against the North Korean threat, rallied the international community to condemn North Korean human rights violations, negotiated a state-of-the-art civil nuclear agreement, delivered humanitarian assistance to those in dire need, conducted anti-piracy maritime operations, and fought against the threat of Ebola and the menace of ISIL.  We have worked to enhance economic ties and implement our bilateral U.S-ROK Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA).  Taken together, it is clear why the U.S.-ROK relationship enjoys deep and broad support among both the American and Korean people.  Our partnership, which is based on mutual respect and common values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, has never been stronger.

Building on this firm foundation, the United States and the ROK advanced our partnership into New Frontiers of Cooperation – issues of increasing importance in the 21st century – such as cyber, space, climate change, and global health.  As the U.S.-ROK relationship continues to evolve,  we are advancing the U.S.-ROK Alliance in important new directions, taking advantage of new opportunities to demonstrate our nations are working together to make the world safer, healthier, and more prosperous.

협력의 뉴프론티어

보건·기후변화·사이버 등 연성안보에서 미국과 협력 강화를 다짐하고, 우주와 과학기술 분야에서도 힘을 모으기로 합의한 건 한미동맹을 새로운 지평으로 확대시킨 점에서 의미가 큼.

Strengthening the Alliance

Defending the Peninsula 

The United States and the ROK continue to modernize the Alliance by ensuring we field the best combined capabilities, collaborate on innovative, combined, and effective operational plans, and train and equip our personnel to the highest levels of combined readiness.  As we mark the 65th anniversary of the Korean War, the U.S. commitment to the defense of the ROK remains unwavering.  Regular channels of dialogue such as the foreign and defense ministers’ “2+2” meetings, the Security Consultative Meeting, and the Military Committee Meeting have been instrumental in strengthening and deepening our global strategic alliance.  The October 23, 2014 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the conditions-based transition of wartime operational control (OPCON) over Alliance forces from the United States to the ROK reaffirms the U.S. security commitment while laying a pathway for the ROK to assume greater responsibilities in the defense of the Peninsula. 

We affirm our mutual commitment to the fundamental mission of the Alliance to defend the ROK through a robust combined defense posture, as well as to the enhancement of mutual security based on the U.S.-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty.  In order to strengthen the combined defense posture, the ROK is in the process of securing major capabilities necessary to develop its own Kill-Chain and Korean Air Missile Defense (KAMD) systems, which will be interoperable with Alliance systems.  The Alliance is further strengthened by enhanced cooperation on defense capabilities based upon respective independent investments and combined efforts to improve defense technology security.

As referenced in our Joint Statement on North Korea, our Alliance remains firmly and fully committed to countering the evolving threat to peace and security posed by North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.  Our common goal, shared by the international community, remains the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea in a peaceful manner. 

Modernizing our Civil Nuclear Cooperation

The safe and secure use of nuclear power plays a major role in our two countries’ energy security and as a low-carbon energy source to reduce emissions from the global power sector as we address climate change.  Our shared commitment to nonproliferation remains the cornerstone of the U.S.-ROK civil nuclear partnership.  The U.S.-ROK Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (“123” Agreement), signed June 15, illustrates our shared commitment to achieve common goals for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.  In this regard, our two countries have begun planning to establish, upon entry into force of this Agreement, a strategic and future-oriented High-Level Bilateral Commission to cooperate on shared objectives such as spent fuel management, assured fuel supply, promotion of cooperation between our nuclear industries, and nuclear security.

▲한국에 대한 미국의 방위공약 확인 ▲외교·국방 장관급 2+2 협의 정례화 등 동맹 현대화 및 연합방위태세 강화 지속 ▲새로 체결된 원자력 협력 협정 평가 ▲북핵·미사일 위협에 대한 확고한 대응 확인 등 '한미동맹 강화'에 대한 세부 내용 명시

Building Strong Regional Relations

The United States and the ROK share a commitment to promoting strong, constructive regional relations.  We are committed to enhancing U.S.-ROK-Japan trilateral cooperation, and are working to sustain the momentum from the recent Foreign Minister-level U.S.-ROK-Japan trilateral meeting on the margins of the 70th United Nations General Assembly including through trilateral meetings at various levels.  The United States, ROK, and Japan signed on December 29, 2014 a trilateral information sharing arrangement, increasing our capabilities to effectively counter North Korean nuclear and missile threats, and held a trilateral meeting at the defense minister-level on the margins of the Shangri-la Dialogue.  The United States welcomes the ROK’s efforts to enhance ROK-Japan-China trilateral cooperation, including the upcoming Summit meeting in Seoul.

양국은 강력하고 건설적인 역내 관계를 증진하고자 하는 공동의 의지를 갖고 있음. 한미일 3국간 협력을 확대키로 한 것은 북핵·북한 문제에 대한 3각 안보 협력이 강화된다는 것에 더해 한일 관계 차원에서도 함의를 갖음. 이에 따라 미국은 지속적으로 한일관계 개선을 요구 할 것임. 한국은 미국의 대중국 견제를 위한 한미일 삼각체제에 떠밀려 가지 않도록 주의해야함.

미국은 서울에서 개최될 예정인 한・일・중 3국 정상회의를 포함해 3국 협력을 증진시키기 위한 한국의 노력을 환영한다. 이는 동북아 정세 안정 요인이기도 한 동시에 한일 관계 개선의 모멘텀이 될 수 있다는 점.

The United States has also welcomed President Park’s Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI).  Recognizing the contribution such a dialogue can make to building trust in the region and addressing diverse regional challenges, the United States has designated Ambassador Sung Kim as the U.S. government’s senior focal point for NAPCI cooperation.  The United States looks forward to participating in the second high-level NAPCI meeting to be held on October 28, 2015 in Seoul.

동북아평화협력구상(NAPCI)에 대한 환영 입장을 표명.

Expanding our Global Partnership

Meeting Global Security Challenges

Reaffirming our Commitment to Promoting Sustainable Development and to Responding to Global Humanitarian Needs

Exploring New Frontiers of Cooperation

Countering Biological Threats and Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda

Combatting Climate Change

Investing in a Sustainable Environment                                                           

Increasing Cyber Collaboration

Exploring Space Cooperation

Expanding Science and Technology Collaboration

Broadening Ties Between Our Peoples

Deepening our Partnerships in Education




















The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release

October 16, 2015


Remarks by President Obama and President Park of the Republic of Korea in Joint Press Conference

In recent years, President Park and I have worked together to strengthen our alliance for the future, and today I want to reaffirm that the commitment of the United States to the defense and security of the Republic of Korea will never waver.  Our alliance remains a linchpin of peace and security -- not just on the Korean Peninsula, but across the region.  And so South Korea plays a central role in America’s rebalance to the Asia Pacific.  And we continued that work today.  

And finally, I’m pleased that our alliance is increasingly a global one.  South Korea is not just an important player in the region, it’s increasingly an important player on the world stage.  South Korea remains a partner in development, in Afghanistan; a member of the coalition against ISIL; a generous donor of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees.  And now, we’re going even further, expanding our cooperation to some new frontiers.

I think as I communicated to President Park, the only thing that we're going to continue to insist on is that we want China to abide by international norms and rules.  And where they fail to do so, we expect the Republic of Korea to speak out on that, just as we do, because we think that both of our countries have benefitted from the international norms and rules that have been in place since the end of World War II.  And we don't want to see those rules of the road weakening, or some countries taking advantage because they're larger.  That's not good for anybody -- including South Korea.  






미국 한반도 전문가들의 한미정상회담 평가


빅터 (Victor Cha) 전략국제문제연구소(CSIS) 한국석좌

Ÿ 오바마 대통령이 박 대통령의 한반도 통일 전략에 대해 분명한 지지를 보냈다 정말 성공적인 정상회담이었음

Ÿ 두 정상이 북한에 대해 강한 억지력을 과시하면서도 이란 핵협상처럼 대화가 열려 있다는 내용을 담은 공동성명을 채택한 것이 큰 의미

Ÿ 미국은 이란 핵협상처럼 대화할 준비가 돼 있지만, 북한이 비핵화와 검증에 나설 때만 가능하다는 점을 명확하게 함

Ÿ 미국은 북한의 태도변화를 유인해내기 위해 한국이 중국과 협력하는 것을 원한다는 매우 분명한 메시지를 보냄

Ÿ 경제와 북한 문제 등에서 한국과 중국의 관계 개선이 불가피하다는 것을 인정하면서도 미국의 가치와 국제질서 관련한 문제에서는 단호한 입장을 요구한 셈

Ÿ 중국이 국제법 위반 때 한국이 비판 할 수 있어야 미국 내 중국 경사론 사라질 것임


브루스 클링너 (Bruce Klingner) 헤리티지재단(Heritage Foundation)

한반도담당 선임연구원

Ÿ 이번 정상회담은 한국의 '중국 경사론'을 불식시키는 데 성공적이었음

Ÿ 가시적인 성과물은 없었지만 북한의 도발과 북핵문제에 대해 강력한 메시지를 보냈다는 점에서 매우 의미있고 성공적임

Ÿ 한국이 중국에 기우는 것 아니냐는 경사론이 나오는 상황에서 양국이 빛 샐 틈 없는 동맹의 기반을 재확인한 것은 의미가 큼

Ÿ 확고한 동맹의 기반이 글로벌 무대에서의 '뉴 프런티어' 이슈들에 대해 양국이 서로 협력할 수 있도록 만들고 있음

Ÿ 고고도미사일방어체계(사드·THAAD)의 한반도 배치에 관한 새로운 합의가 없었고 인권 문제에 대한 구체적 대응조치나 제재가 나오지 않은 것은 아쉬운 대목

Ÿ 고(高)고도미사일방어(THAAD·사드) 체계 도입에 중국이 반대하는 것만 봐도 서울의 가장 큰 우방이 베이징이 아닌 워싱턴이란 점을 분명히 밝혀야 함

Ÿ 특히 박 대통령의 펜타곤 방문은 양국의 동맹이 양자관계의 가장 탄탄한 기반이 되고 있음을 분명히 보여주는 신호였다.


스콧 스나이더(Scott A. Snyder) 미국외교협회(CFR) 한반도 선임연구원

Ÿ 양국 정상이 채택한 공동성명은 북한이 추가 핵실험과 미사일 실험을 하지 못하도록 억지하는 강력하고 단결된 선언

Ÿ 이 같은 목표를 향해 중국과의 공감대를 넓히고 연합전선을 구축하겠다는 양국 정상의 의지는 주목 할 만함

Ÿ 이번 성명은 북한이 핵개발을 하는데 따른 비용을 높이면서도 북한이 경로를 바꿀 경우 대화에 나서겠다는 메시지를 준 것도 의미가 있음

Ÿ 이란 핵협상의 교훈에 근거해 양국 정상은 북한이 더 나은 미래를 성취하는데 무엇이 필요한지에 대한 공통의 견해 확인

Ÿ 북한이 현행 경로를 유지할 경우 감당해야 할 비용만 키우고 국제사회로부터 저항을 받게 될 것이라는 메시지를 분명히 한 것

Ÿ 한·미가 이번에 채택한 공동성명은 북한의 핵무기 개발 억지에 초점이 맞춰졌다

Ÿ 김정은 북한 노동당 제1비서의 도발 의도를 저지하기 위해 한국과 중국, 그리고 미국과 중국 간의 협력 수준을 한 단계 높이려는 의지 또한 충분히 반영됨.

Ÿ 공동성명에서 밝힌 분명한 메시지와 대화의 가능성에도 불구하고 북한이 이를 수용할 가능성은 높지 않다


캐서린 (Katherine Moon) 브루킹스연구소(Brookings Institution) 한국석좌

Ÿ 양국 관심사들에 대한 공통의 이해와 약속을 확인한 매우 성공적인 정상회담

Ÿ 박 대통령은 TPP와 사이버 안보, 국제보건, 인도주의적 지원, 환경, 기후변화, 대(對) 테러와 같은 미국 주도의 국제 어젠다들을 강력히 지지

Ÿ 오바마 대통령은 북한과 동북아평화구상, 통일, 국제보건, 핵안보, 환경, 우주개발과 같은 분야에서 박 대통령의 리더십과 전략적 입장을 지지


