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[2015.09.09] China’s Economy Seen as Key Topic at G20 Meetings

  • 김흥규
  • 2016-01-13
  • 1091


1. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/chinas-economy-seen-as-key-topic-at-g20-meetings/#.Ve-beVgVg5s

China’s Economy Seen as Key Topic at G20 Meetings

Source : Voice of America    02 September 2015

Officials in the United States and Japan have urged global financial leaders and central bankers to make the Chinese economy a key focus of talks of the Group of Twenty major economies when they meet on Friday and Saturday in Turkey. Just how much will be accomplished during the talks, however, is uncertain, analysts said.

China’s market turmoil and devaluation of its currency last month sent shockwaves through global stock and commodity markets in recent weeks. Stocks in China plunged nearly 40 percent since a high in mid-June and a slew of poor economic data that followed further fueled concerns.

Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said China is trying to balance very gingerly between building a free market economy and a free economy with Chinese characteristics.

“I don’t think there’s a consensus in more transparency of the economic decision-making process in China because China views outsiders with suspicion… and the economic policy-making process is seen as a matter of national security and national interests, which Chinese authorities won’t subject to the prying eyes of foreigners,” he said.

Last updated on 03/09/2015


2. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/gpo/china-sends-signals-with-missiles-and-doves-to-india-others/#.Ve-ZT1gVg5s

China Sends Signals with Missiles and Doves to India, Others

Source : The Times of India    03 September 2015

China bared its military teeth displaying a wide array of impressive missiles during a massive parade in Beijing on Thursday. The parade also sent out important signals to India, Japan and other Asian countries about China’s technology backed military power.

Speaking on the occasion, Chinese president Xi Jinping announced he will cut the size of the 2.3 million strong military by 300,000. This is seen as part of the country’s ongoing military modernization program meant to shift the dependence from men to computer driven machines.

India was represented by minister of state for defense, V K Singh, who was among the 50 countries that sent representatives. But it refrained from sending troops to march at Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. Foreign soldiers came from 17 countries including Pakistan, Russia and Central Asian republics.

… “The exercise is focused on the domestic audience. The Communist Party is trying to tell the Chinese people that the nation has emerged stronger, and there is complete unity and sense of purpose,” Wu Fengshi, associate professor at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies in Singapore said.

Last updated on 04/09/2015


3. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/gpo/south-korean-president-uses-china-trip-for-diplomacy/#.Ve-aqFgVg5s

South Korean President Uses China Trip for Diplomacy

Source : Voice of America    03 September 2015

South Korea, China and Japan Thursday announced plans to hold a trilateral meeting in October or November, in what could be a diplomatic breakthrough following months of tension.

A statement from the president’s office in Seoul said President Park Geun-hye and China’s President Xi Jinping agreed trilateral cooperation would contribute to peace and prosperity in the region. The summit is expected to take place in South Korea.

Tensions have been running high in China and South Korea over demands that Japan more fully apologize for wartime atrocities committed under Japanese occupation. An apology by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last month largely repeated what his predecessors had said, drawing criticism from Seoul and Beijing.

… “Park’s presence in the parade is no doubt very significant,” Wu Fengshi, associate professor at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies in Singapore, said. “She is expecting support from China in case of a major conflict with North Korea.”

Last updated on 04/09/2015


4. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/display-highlights-power-shift/#.Ve-cOVgVg5s

Display Highlights Power Shift

Source : The Standard (Hong Kong)    04 September 2015

China’s unveiling of “carrier-killer” missiles and cuts in troop numbers yesterday underlined its shift towards naval strength amid growing Pacific rivalry with the United States, analysts said.

More than a dozen anti-ship ballistic missiles capable of traveling at 10 times the speed of sound were shown at the parade in Beijing, with state television calling them a “trump card” in potential conflicts and”one of China’s key weapons in asymmetric warfare”. For a fraction of the cost of an aircraft carrier the missile threatens to alter the balance of power in the Pacific.

The land-based DF-21D intermediate- range missile is said to be equipped with onboard terminal guidance systems that give it the unprecedented ability to attack a moving target, such as a carrier group at sea.

… The missile “serves as a deterrent which requires rivals in the region to think twice about deploying aircraft carrier groups against China,” James Char, an analyst at Singapore’s Nanyang University said.

The technology is untested but it underlines “the growing importance of China’s naval forces” as Beijing seeks to project its power more widely in the air and on sea, he added.

Last updated on 04/09/2015


5. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/china-will-be-guarantor-of-post-war-peace-xi/#.Ve-c1VgVg5s

China will be Guarantor of Post-war Peace: Xi

Source : South China Morning Post    04 September 2015

China pledged to be a guarantor of post-war peace and order and downsize its armed forces during yesterday’s grand parade – downplaying concerns over how Beijing might apply its military muscle when locking horns with neighbours in territorial and historical disputes.

But diplomatic observers said that by showcasing some of its most advanced weapons at the parade, China was staking its claim to leadership in Asia.

President Xi Jinping , in his speech at the parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of second world war, spoke of China’s contribution to the victory of the Allied powers – a subtle message to remind the West about the shared lineage between the two sides.

… “We can get a glimpse of today’s geopolitical order through the turnout – the [attendance of the] Russian delegation is an implicit exhibition of its alliance with China, while most of the US allies consolidate themselves in not attending,” said Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University.

Neighbouring countries would closely watch how China used its military prowess, Oh said. “If China uses its power to promote regional peace, it will certainly be welcomed in Southeast Asia,” Oh said.

Last updated on 04/09/2015


6. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/gpo/china-stuns-military-experts-with-new-missiles-display/#.Ve-dg1gVg5s

China Stuns Military Experts with New Missiles Display

Source : The Times of India    04 September 2015

China on Thursday tried to stun the world’s military establishment by displaying missiles that travel 10 times faster than the speed of sound, and the firepower that is loaded on its aircraft carrier. Chinese authorities displayed a range of sophisticated killing machines at a military parade in Beijing on Thursday.

Military experts said that the missile formations on display, which have not been seen before, established China’s capability to hit a variety of targets on land, air and water. The missiles are capable of hitting US air bases in Okinawa in Japan and in Guam besides targeting countries in China’s neighbourhood, they said.

“China has demonstrated new models and innovation in each field — short, medium and long range missiles,” Michael Raska, research fellow at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies in Singapore, told TNN.

The parade confirms China’s equipment modernization program is going apace, and it will continue on this path, he said. “I think the DF21D mid-range ballistic missile is most significant. It is an aircraft killer, which can target American carriers in Pacific. So is the DF26. It is a road mobile killer which can target Guam,” he said.

Last updated on 04/09/2015


7. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/china-flexes-its-military-muscle-at-parade/#.Ve-eM1gVg5s

China Flexes its Military Muscle at Parade

Source : The Straits Times    04 September 2015

China marked the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II with a dazzling parade before the historic Tiananmen Square that showcased its military firepower on an unprecedented scale, complete with fighter jets roaring overhead and some 12,000 marching troops.

President Xi Jinping, who yesterday presided over his first military parade since he took office in 2012, also unexpectedly announced that he would cut 300,000 troops from China’s 2.3 million-strong military. He did not give further details although the Defence Ministry said that the cuts should be complete by end-2017.

… Said S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies senior fellow Oh Ei Sun: “It’s a form of posturing… But the display of some of its naval missiles, however, could be China’s sign to Asean countries (that have maritime disputes with it) not to mess with China.”

Last updated on 04/09/2015


8. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/gpo/message-of-peace-amid-display-of-power/#.Ve-ez1gVg5s

Message of “Peace” Amid Display of Power

Source : The Straits Times    04 September 2015

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to follow the path of peaceful development yesterday as his country commemorated the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Asia, but the chatter that followed was all about the military prowess on display.

The parade appeared to send messages to both external and internal audiences, and to be aimed at consolidating Mr Xi’s power and the Communist Party’s rule as well as China’s standing in the world.

Concerns that Mr Xi would use the event to humiliate Japan were forgotten as an assortment of tanks and missiles rolled along Changan Avenue, or the Avenue of Eternal Peace, in a display likely to unnerve its neighbours and countries farther afield, analysts say.

… But China had reduced its troops three times before: in 1987, 1997 and 2003. And each cut was meant to streamline the PLA and make it a more efficient force, especially as it became more technologically savvy and the cost of running it became higher, said Dr Michael Raska, a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. “It’s not an olive branch,” he told The Straits Times.

Last updated on 04/09/2015


9. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/spotlight-overseas-experts-scholars-applaud-chinas-plan-to-cut-troops/#.Ve-fw1gVg5s

Spotlight: Overseas Experts, Scholars Applaud China’s Plan to Cut Troops

Source : Xinhua News Agency    07 September 2015

The international community has praised China’s decision to cut its army by 300,000 troops, as announced by President Xi Jinping at Thursday’s military parade in Beijing.

Many overseas scholars and experts believe that such a decision sends a message about China’s commitment to promoting world peace, and working side-by-side with other countries to seek common development and prosperity.

… Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow with S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Singapore Nanyang Technological University, said that Xi’s announcement to cut troops proves the Asian giant’s sincerity over peace.

Last updated on 08/09/2015


10. http://www.rsis.edu.sg/media-highlight/idss/international-community-praises-xis-speech-at-v-day-parade/#.Ve-gFVgVg5s

International Community Praises Xi’s Speech at V-Day Parade

Source : Xinhua News Agency    07 September 2015

The international community has lauded Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the Sept. 3 V-Day parade on Tian’anmen Square in the heart of Beijing, saying that Xi’s speech highlighted China’s dedication to maintaining peace and stability.

Many overseas leaders and experts believe that Xi’s speech shows China’s willingness to continuously assume the responsibility as a world power and to promote peace and prosperity across the world.

Oh Ei Sun, a senior fellow with S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies of Singapore Nanyang Technological University, said that Xi’s announcement to cut Chinese troops proves the Asian giant’s sincerity over peace.

Last updated on 07/09/2015