
[Notice]Additional period for applying for your classes(Class Change) in Fall semester, 2019

Additional period for applying for your classes(Class Change)

in Fall semester, 2019

1. Period of Application for classes



Confirmation of academic advisor

Application for Classes

Aug 6th(Tue) ~ Aug 12th(Mon), 2019

Aug 6th(Tue) ~ Sep  9th(Mon), 2019

Commencement of Spring semester, 2019

Sep 2nd(Mon), 2019

Application for Classes (Change)

Sep 5th(Thu) ~ Sep  9th(Mon), 2019



2. Procedure of Course registration

 [Check the required credits for completion of course   Search the Class Timetable/Syllabus Course Registration (Input the subjects into a computer) Confirmation of academic advisor Completion]


  a. Check the required credits for completion of course

: Before application for classes, Students are required to confirm the required credits (major and research credits) of each department and to check credits earned and the courses to take. This step will not cause any problems with graduation or completion. (You can check the required credits on page.2 )


   b. Search the Class Timetable/Syllabus

: AIMS Portal Login Click 학사(대학원)  (Academic Information for Graduate school) Click 교과수업(Class Info.) on the upper side Timetable/Syllabus search on the left side menu

or connect to the website. [(Korean) / (English) ]


   c. Course registration

: Join the AIMS2 Portal website( Login Click 학사(대학원)  (Academic Information for Graduate school) Click 교과수업(Class Info.) on the upper side   Click 수강신청 (Course Registration) on the left side Check the Department(학과) and Major(전공) Click the courses that you want to take   Click 저장(Save) button Check the list on the confirmation of course registration menu on the left side.

     Please check the required credits of major and research subjects of each department to graduate or complete the course.


   d. Confirmation of Academic advisor

: Obtain the confirmation of classes from the applicable academic advisor(or dean of the department when an academic advisor is not assigned) using the AIMS portal system of faculty.

   In the event of not obtaining the confirmation for classes from the academic advisor after the computer input, application will not be accepted successfully. So students should get the confirmation from academic advisor.

3. For more details, please refer to the attached files.

*Pleae check if the class you want to take offers English lecture before applying the classes.

Office of Graduate School