"월드 클래스 약학대학"을 지향하는
아주대학교 약학대학

한국화이자제약 채용 공고

  • 약학대학
  • 2016-10-06
  • 3238

[근무회사] 한국화이자제약 (www.pfizer.co.kr)

글로벌 TOP 1위 제약사인 한국화이자제약에서 아래와 같은 채용 건이 오픈 되었습니다. Medical 관련직무에 관심을 가지고 열정이 넘치는 분들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 




Medical Research Assistant 


A.     Support contract processing including preparing FCPA documents, drafting contracts, communicating with sites’ contract reviewers.

B.     Request the payment based on the payment schedule in the contracts and keep the records under the direction of (senior) MM and MRA.

C.     Support the administrative tasks such as copying, scanning, mail distribution, etc. for keeping the essential documents on IIR and PSR.

D.    Confirm the submission status for PSR in the system and track receipt status by sites

E.     Request delivery of drug supply to study centers and keep the related documents.

F.     Manage the archiving of essential documents such as contracts, etc. under the direction of (senior) Medical Manager.

G.    Maintain updated study status for ongoing IIRs in INSPIIRE.


·         Support (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR by implementation of local non-interventional studies, development and leverage of IIR opportunities, supporting feasibilities for phase 1-4 studies

o     IIR Support for:

·         Manage the whole operational process of IIR and Request of Pfizer compound.

·         Proactively communicate with the investigators regarding the operational aspects of IIR/ Request of Pfizer compound.

·         Arrange local review committee, drafts meeting minutes, sends approval or declination letter to investigator and archives the documents in the system. 

·         Once the IIR proposal is forwarded to the GRC (Grant Review Committee) attend the GRC in collaboration with (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR.

·         After the approval of IIR, if needed, oversight the whole study drug order and delivery process.

·         Manage contract processing including preparing FCPA documents, drafting contracts, communicating with site’s contract reviewers.

·         Request payment based on the payment schedule in the contracts and keeps the records.

·         Periodically send out the study status update form to the investigators to check the status of the study; update regularly to the global IIR Management System.

·         When the publication/amendment is locally reviewed by (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR, support the documentation using the standard template.

·         Track local IIR budget status by product and plans the budget estimation.

·         Confirm the submission status for Request of Pfizer compound and tracks the global review progress in the system after local review and checks the receipt status of raw material by sites.

·         Submit the IIR/ Request of Pfizer compound in the KRPIA online reporting system according to KRPIA clinical activity guidelines.

o    PMS/local study/RMP Management Support:

·         Responsible for delivering potential study sites to CRO in consultation with (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR or Medical Lead

·         Communication with alliance partner and subcontracted CRO regarding overall PMS operations

·         Check the important study milestones and reports the progress & issues to with (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR or Medical Lead

·         Support study related document preparations and process with (Sr.) MM or (Sr.) MSR or Medical Lead





- 대졸이상 (간호, 약학, 생물, 보건관련 계열 선호)

- IIR/Local study 관련 업무 혹은 유사 경험 보유 우대



- 계약기간 : 1년 (11월 중순 입사 예정)

- 근무지: 명동본사

- 근무시간: 월~금, 09:00-18:00 (휴게시간 1시간) 

- 급 여: 회사 내규

- 복리후생: 4대보험, 연차, 보건휴가, 근속수당, 중식제공, 야근수당 제공, 야근식대 제공, 야근 택시비 지원, 체육시설이용 등 



- 이메일지원: rooney.kim@manpower.co.kr (제목:[한국화이자제약medical_본인이름])

- 제출서류: 이력서, 자기소개서 (MS Word파일)

- 담당자: 김연수, 02-2051-6676

- 마감일: 채용시 마감