• BK21
  • 공지사항


[학술] [세미나] 2024-봄학기 대학원 세미나 안내(6/12 수)

  • 수학과 BK21
  • 관리자
  • 작성일 2024-06-11
  • 조회수 19


2024.06.12.() 12:00 ~ 13:00


팔달관 621




Deep Learning based PDE Solver


Partial differential equations (PDEs) are crucial in modeling various physical phenomena. In this study, we introduce a novel deep learning approach to solve the Poisson equation using convolutional autoencoders. Our method leverages a dataset of function pairs representing source terms and boundary conditions to train the autoencoder model. Once trained, the model can efficiently and rapidly approximate solutions to the Poisson equation for new source terms and boundary conditions without additional training. This approach eliminates the reliance on traditional numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method (FEM), offering significant advantages in terms of inference speed and flexibility. Our results highlight the potential of neural networks to provide accurate solutions for PDEs with non-homogeneous boundary conditions and varying source terms, demonstrating the effectiveness of data-driven models in solving complex physical problems. 

▶ 문의

운영위원 표성인 (luinn27@ajou.ac.kr, 팔달관 426)

감독위원 유성현 (yoosh0319 @ajou.ac.kr, 팔달관 622