
[기타] 10/16 수학과 colloquium 안내

  • 자연과학대학교학팀
  • 이서안
  • 작성일 2020-10-16
  • 조회수 4841
10/16 (금) colloquium

연사: 류미수 교수님 (충북대학교)
일시: 1016일 금요일 오후 5
제목: q-countings via q-integral
•Zoom URL:
초록 : Generating function is a way of encoding an infinite sequence of numbers by treating them as the coefficients of formal power series. Generating functions are nice and powerful since it becomes a bridge connecting discrete mathematics and continuous analysis. In this talk, we are going to consider the P-partition generating functions. P-partitions are generalized concept of partitions. We'll introduce the hook length formula which computes the generating functions of P-partitions when the poset P has special shapes. Lastly, we'll consider d-complete posets and prove the hook length property of d-complete posets via q-integral technique