
[행사] 9.4 금요일 콜로퀴움 공지(접속URL포함)

  • 자연과학대학교학팀
  • 이서안
  • 작성일 2020-09-04
  • 조회수 4641

*연사: 정의진 (아주대학교)

*제목: Hitting times and thermodynamic formalism for maps of the circle

*초록: Irrational circle rotation maps are basic examples in dynamical systems. We present basic applications of general circle maps in terms of irrational circle rotations, and present asymptotic behaviour of circle maps with critical points using return times, hitting times, and renormalization processes.

*Zoom URL:

강연일자: 9월4일 금요일 오후 5시