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[세미나/포럼] [2019.09.06.금] 2019-2학기 제1회 수학과 colloquium 안내

  • 세미나/포럼
  • 교내
  • 박수현
  • 2019-09-02


2019-2학기 제1회 수학과 colloquium 일정을 안내드립니다.

[2019학년도 2학기 제1 수학과 colloquium]

강연제목Chromatic quasi symmetric functions

연      사: 조수진 교수 [아주대학교]

일      시:  9월 6일 (금요일) 오후 5:00-6:00

      : 팔달관 621호



In 1995, Stanley introduced the chromatic symmetric function associated with any simple graph, which generalizes the chromatic polynomial of a graph. One of the long standing and well known conjecture due to Stanley on chromatic symmetric functions states that a chromatic symmetric function of any (3+1)-free poset is a linear sum of elementary symmetric function basis with nonnegative coefficients. Recently, Shareshian and Wach introduced a chromatic quasisymmetric refinement of chromatic symmetric functions and also the refined Stanleys conjecture.

After some basics on the chromatic (quasi) symmetric functions are explained, recent progress made to prove Stanleys conjecture will be introduced. 

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