Student Life
[Notice] All documents for the Work Permit
After the first semester, you can apply for the part time job.
Please read the details of the work permit process and bring the required document to the GSIS office and submit it.
*You should print out the documents by yourself. GSIS office will not offer the forms anymore.
[Work Permit for the Part-time Job]
1. Fill the forms which is necessary for the work permit.
1) Application Form (통합신청서)
2) Part-Time Work Confirmation Form (시간제 취업 확인서)
3) Certificate of Business Registration (사업자 등록증)
4) Standard Labor Contract (근로계약서)
5) Transcript (성적표)
6) Certifiacte of the IELTS or TOPIK (아이엘츠/토픽 성적표) or MOI (영어수업 이수증명서)
7) Copy of your ARC
8) Copy of the employer's ID card
9) Study Plan (during the semester)
2. Submit all documents tot he GSIS office and wait until you get an email about the approval.
(Usually it takes 2 ~ 5 days.)
3. When you get an email from us, then make a reservation to the Immigration office for sumbitting the documents to the office.
* We strictly limit the working time during the weekdays within 20 hours.
* No time limitation on weekends and vacation(July, August, January, February).
* Workplace should located within 1.5hour distance.