
Ajou GSIS Notice

International Symposium "Health and the Role of Local Communities for SDGs"


International Symposium

“Health and the Role of Local Communities for SDGs"

I. Project Outline

1. Date: Jun/25/2016

2. Time:10:00-17:00

3. Venue: Seoul National University Asia Center

4. Participation:Academia, Professional ODA, NGO-Activist of International development 100


II. Project Promotion Plan


1. Objective of Project


A. Objective of Project


-To seekthe role of community people and community organizationsto enabled Local and Regional governance for improve the effectiveness and sustainability of ODA projects in health international development.

-To find the case of self-reliant communities for poverty reduction and SDGs in international development projects.

B. Main aspect


-International Development Cooperation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) poverty reduction and health care


For detail schedule, please find the attachment.

If you are interested, please pre-register here!!!


Thank you!