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[Notice]Application for Leave of Absence and Returning to School, Fall 2020

Application for Leave of Absence and Returning to School, Fall 2020

 We’d like to inform you of the Application procedure for leave of absence and returning to school for Fall semester, 2020. Those who want to apply for leave of absence or returning to school are required to read the information stated below carefully.

*Please check if you have saved the online application after applying on AIMS portal.


1. Schedule

Application period for returning to school

  July 1st(Wed)~ September 1st(Tue), 2020

Commencement of the Fall semester

September 1st(Tue), 2020

Application period for Leave of absence

(for those who didn’t pay tuition fee yet)

~ September 28th(Mon), 2020

[1/4 of class days for the Fall semester]

Application period for Leave of absence

(for those who already paid tuition fee for

Fall semester)

~ November 24th(Tue), 2020

[3/4 of class days for the Fall semester]

* In case that student who already paid tuition fees (completed registration) want to apply for a leave of absence before 1/4 of class days for the semester, the tuition fees will be exempted when student returns to school in next semester.
 * In case that Enrolled student(Student who already paid tuition fees) apply for a leave of absence after 1/4 of class days for the semester, it will be refunded differentially depending on the date of application for a leave of absence.
* In unenrollment, if you do not apply for the leave of absence during the designated duration, you will be withdrawaled. 

2. Application Procedure for a leave of absence
  a. Applicants for leave of absence among currently Enrolled students
   : AIMS2 portal Login – My portal – Academic Information(Graduate school) – Registration – Application for a leave of absence (on the left side menu) – Put the information on ‘Classification of status change’, ‘The reason of leave of absence’, ‘The history of Leave of absence’, and ‘The Period of leave of absence’ – Click ‘Save’ button.

 b. Applicants for extending period for leave of absence among students on a leave of absence already
   : AIMS2 portal Login – My portal – Academic Information(Graduate school) – Registration – Application for a leave of absence (on the left side menu) – Extension of period for Leave of absence – Put the information on ‘Classification of Status change’, ‘The reason of leave of absence’, ‘The history of Leave of absence’ and ‘The period of leave of absence’ – Click ‘Save’ button.

 c. Notes
   - When students apply for extension of the period for leave of absence, you can find the information about the application for returning to school. It is automatically created and it doesn’t affect your application process for leave of absence at all.
   - In case of leave of absence due to a special reason such as the disease, military service etc, students can’t apply for leave of absence by using an Internet. Students can apply it by submitting the required documents to the office of Graduate school. (check the attachment file)

3. Application Procedure for returning to school (only for students on leave of absence)
   : AIMS2 portal Login – My portal – Academic Information(Graduate school) – Personal Info – Application for returning to school (on the left side menu) – Select ‘returning year’ and ‘returning semester’ – Click ‘Save’ button.


4. Inquiries : The Office of Graduate school (Yulgok Hall room 305, grad@ajou.ac.kr)


Attachment 1. Application for Leave of Absence(disease)


- Office of Graduate school -