모바일 메뉴 열기



Academic Exchange Program for North Korean and Unification Studies


1. Research Topics 
North Korea, Inter-Korean Relations, Peace and Unification of the Korean Peninsula and related topics 
2. Number of Recipients 
Approximately 10 people  
3. Restrictions 
Those who have received scholarships/grants with the same research topic in the past and those who are currently receiving other types of scholarship/grant from the government of the Republic of Korea are ineligible for this program. 
4. Reminders 
 The beneficiary of this program should stay in the Republic of Korea during the semester (September to December, March to June).  
 Beneficiaries who wish to terminate their participation in the program at any point will be required to return the total amount of scholarship/grant received. 
 All personal information provided by applicants will only be used for this program. All applicants consent to the collection and use of his/her personal information submitted in the application. 
5. Application Period 
April 1 to May 20, 2020 (Korean Standard Time GMT+9) 
6. Application Procedures 
Submit required documents via email to ifes@kyungnam.ac.kr (required forms can be downloaded from http://ifes.kyungnam.ac.kr)    h. Notification of Selected Beneficiaries 
May 2020 (date of notification may change without notice) 
7. Contact 
The Institute for Far Eastern Studies of Kyungnam University: ifes@kyungnam.ac.kr / 82-2-3700-0708, 0736 



**For more details, please refer the attachment.