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[KGSP] Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline


[KGSP] Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline


Korean government scholarship application is open , please refer to the attachment for detailed information.


* Application Schedule


Submission of Documents

Feb. 1st ~ Mar. 14th, 2016

(submitting by post only)

Document Screening and Interview

Mar. 18th ~ Mar.28th, 2016

Announcement of Successful Candidates

Apr. 8th, 2016

Announcement of Finnal results by NIIED

Jun. 21th, 2016


* Submission Address


 (16499) Ajou Graduate School. Room No. 305, Yulgok Hall , 206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon Si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.


Tel : +82-31-219-2302   / Email : grad@ajou.ac.kr / Kaokaotalk : makeiteasy


Office of Graduate School