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Admission Notices

2012 Flu Vaccination Schedule and Information

  • 개발자
  • 2013-02-07
  • 40331
2012 Flu Vaccination Schedule and Information

1. Health Care Center notifies the faculty, staffs and students of Ajou University of the flu vaccination schedule and information in preparation for the coming flu season.
2. Please refer to the following information and get a vaccine
  A. Date : October 22nd 2012(MON) ~ 24th(WED) 3days
  B. Time : 13:00 ~ 16:00 (3hours)
  C. Place : Annex Well-Being center, 4th Floor Ajou University Hospital 
            ( Health Promotion Center )
  D. Eligible People : faculty, staffs and students of Ajou University
                    (with Ajou student ID card)
  E. The Maximum Number of people for Flu Vaccination : 1,000 people
  F. Cost : 10,000 won 
   (*The original cost for a flu vaccine is 30,000 won in other medical centers.)
3. Information on Flu Vaccination
  A. You should pay the cost on the day you get a vaccine.
  B. This year's vaccine is a triple vaccine which can prevent 3 types of influenza including H1N1 virus.        (One flu vaccination for a year is recommended. Therefore, you need to get a shot this year even though you got one last year.)
  C. You should be vaccinated if you belong to the high-risk groups.
  D. You should be vaccinated before visiting countries like India, New Zealand and Thailand.
     (recommendation of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
4. Caution(people in the following conditions should not be vaccinated.)
  A. People who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs. 
  B. People who have a fever
  C. People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccination
  D. People who are in the first stage of the pregnancy
5. Tips for Influenza Prevention
  A. The elderly and people with chronic medical conditions should undoubtedly get a flu vaccine.
  B. Wash your hands often and keep yourself clean and healthy.
  C. Cover your mouth and nose with your clothes or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
  D. Wear a mask when you have a respiratory disease(cough, sore throat, runny  nose, etc) or fever.
  E. Refrain from visiting crowded places during the flu season.
  F. Go and see a doctor if you have any influenza-related symptoms.

                                                                         2012. 10. 16.
                                                                     Executive Director