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  • Dudley
  • 2017-06-01
  • 12945
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</a>  But more intriguing is its depiction of a family unit quietly tearing itself apart. Subtle visual clues flesh out characters without needing them to be present. Kaitlin&rsquo;s postcards, strewn across several of the large house&rsquo;s cluttered interiors, are uncomfortable reminders of her absence. Father Terry&rsquo;s career as a pulp sci-fi writer is revealed to be foundering. As, it seems, is his marriage to Kaitlin&rsquo;s mother: a letter from a close friend suggests she may be seeking comfort in the arms of a work colleague. Both parents, meanwhile, are struggling to rebuild their fractured relationship with younger daughter Sam, who it turns out is the real protagonist of the tale. Her story is affectingly relayed through journal entries we hear Sam read out to her older sister as certain items are found.