

[Notice] Attention guidance according to essay tests for 2021 recruitment

  • 장해경
  • 2020-12-08
  • 1589

Attention guidance according to essay tests for 2021 recruitment


The essay test for the 2021 fresh men recruitment will be held

from December 12th (Saturday) to 13th (Sunday).

Many students and parents will visit the school and the school will be very crowded.

Avoid contact with outsiders and always wear masks.

Test time: December 12 (Saturday) 9-16 / December 13 (Sunday) 9-21

Test site: Dasan Hall, Seongho Hall, Paldal Hall, Gymnasium, Hong Jae-gwan, Song Jae-gwan, Won cheon-guan Yeonam Hall, Library, Western Hall