
[Others] Orientation Materials for International Students (Fall 2008)

The Orientation for New International Students for Fall 2008 semester has been held on August 29th (Friday).

Students can download the OT materilas and students who didn't participate in the OT are supposed to review the Information very carefully.

As noticed at the Orientation, students should apply for the alien registration card to the Suwon Immigration Office in September and refer the attached information for the alien registration.

In addition, all
students should purchase the health insurance within September. Please review the attached insurance information and submit the attached application form to OIA in September 26th. (Friday)

* Students can apply for the health insurance only after getting the alien registration number.

Any Questions : Office of International Affairs (Yulgok # 101)
                          Tel: 031-219-2923~5    E-mail: inter@ajou.ac.kr

Office of International Affairs
Ajou University
* Attached:
   1. OT Materials  (ZIP)
   2. Health Insurance Information (PDF)
   3. Health Insurance Application (XLS)
   4. Visa Application Form (PDF / HWP)