Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus


The 4th ABIZ 100 Management Books Contest held in 1st semester 2016

  • 한기웅
  • 2016-03-22
  • 1778


Business administration (CK-II Project) is holding the 4th ABIZ 100 management books contest. Please show your interests and active participation. The information are as follows:

1. Participants: Any enrolled Business Administration students (including students on leave)

2. Documents to submit: Book report file

3. How to submit: Submit to abizcenter@ajou.ac.kr (name of the attachment file: “Title of the book” – “student name”)

4.Size of the report: +-5000 characters  (25 sheets of squared manuscript paper for 200 characters, 3 sheets of A4 sheets with 10 font size)

5. Contest book list: Select from the choice of 20 management books and submit the report in March and April



Tile of the books

6 General


Analects (Confucius), The Prince (Machiavelli), The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin), Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu), Escape from Freedom (Erich Fromm), The Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith)

4 Business


The Functions of the Executive  (Chester Barnard), Industrial and General Administration  (Henry Fayol),  Thinking Strategically  (Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff), In Search of Excellence (Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr)

6 Current


How google works (Eric Schmidt), Outlier (Malcolm Gladwell), Capitalism 4.0 (Anatole Kolinsky), 호암자전(이병철),

Steve jobs (Walter Isaacson), 뇌과학의 모든 (박문호)

4 Global


중국인의 상술(강효백), 이희수교수의 이슬람(이희수), the Idea of Latin America (Walter Mignolo), Chrysanthemum and the Sword (Ruth Benedict)


6. The schedule of the reading contest: Please check the schedule below to adjust your personal schedule in advance  to avoid absenteeism




14 Mar. (Mon) ~ 10 May (Tue)

Application of Book Report

Apply in email

11 May (Wed) to 16 May (Mon)



17 May (Tue)

Result announcement

Notice published  in ABIZ Global Center homepage Notice published and English homepage

24 May (Tue) 12: 00-13: 00

Award ceremony of the 4th reading contest

The place will be announced later


7. Selection: Select by the total of the highest score receive from the judges


8. Award

  First award (1person): Airwheel X3+(130wh)

  Excellence award (1 person): LG U+ rayBeam portable projector

  Participation award (1 person): 1TB external hard drive J3

(Products are subject to change depending on stock availability.)

*A small gift will be provided for the applicants (excludes the awarded participants)

Inquiry: ABIZ Global Center(Dasan Hall room 116), tel.3623, abizcenter@ajou.ac.kr