Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus


2016 1st Semester Academic Calendar

  • 한기웅
  • 2016-03-18
  • 1189


1st Semester




24 Dec. 2015 ~ 31 Dec.

Application to change major for returning students


21 Dec. 2015 ~ 15 Jan.

 Application period to return to school in 1st semester


20 Jan. ~ 22 Jan.

Preliminary registration of courses of 1st semester


20 Jan ~ 5 Feb.

 Final application period to return to school in 1st semester


1 Feb. ~ 5 Feb.

Registration of courses for 1st semester (enrolled students, students returning to school, readmission)


7 Feb. ~ 10 Feb.

New Year’s holiday



22 Feb. / 14h00

 2015 Graduation ceremony


23 Feb. / 10h00

2016 Freshmen entrance ceremony


23 Feb. ~24 Feb.

Freshmen orientation and registration of courses


23 Feb. ~ 29 Feb.

 Registration of 1st semester


25 Feb.

Transfer students’ orientation and registration of courses


2 Mar.

Start of 1st semester


2 Mar.  ~ 29 Mar.

Application, cancellation and changes in major


 Application of early graduation, graduation postpone


7 Mar.  ~ 3 Mar.

 Courses changes


9 Mar.  ~ 11 Mar.

Drop credits


Drop courses


21 Mar.  ~ 22 Mar.


29 Mar.

1st quarter of first semester


12 Apr.

43rd School Anniversary



20 Apr. ~ 26 Apr.

Midterm examination


26 Apr.

2nd quarter of first semester


5 May

Children’s day



14 May

Buddha’s Birthday



24 May

3rd quarter of first semester


25 May ~ 3 Jun.

Application to change major in 2nd semester


1 Jun. ~ 24 Jun.

Lecture assessment of 1st semester


6 Jun.

Memorial Day



8 Jun. ~ 10 Jun.

Preliminary registration period of Summer School


13 Jun. ~ 13 Jul.

Application period to return in 2nd semester


15 Jun. ~ 21 Jun.

 Final examination


15 Jun. ~ 24 Jun.

Inspection and enter grades


22 Jun.

Beginning of summer vacation. Application of leave and return


22 Jun. ~ 22 Jul.

Preliminary period to apply returns in 2nd semester


23 Jun. ~ 1 Jul.

Application to change major for returning students in 2nd semester


27 Jun. ~ 28 Jun.

Correction of results and submission of results


27 Jun. ~ 29 Jun.

Cancellation of early graduation,
Change date of postponed graduation (Application/ Cancellation)


Cancellation or change in dual degree, minor and joint programs


4 Jul. ~ 5 Jul.

Summer course registration


7 Jul. ~ 8 Jul.

Summer class registration


11 Jul. ~ 29 Jul.

Start of summer class


27 Jul. ~ 29 Jul.

Preliminary registration period of courses of 2nd semester


27 Jul. ~ 12 Aug.

Final application period to return to school in 2nd semester


8 Jul. ~ 12 Jul.

Registration of courses of 2nd semester (enrolled students, students returning to school, readmission)


22 Jul.

Graduation ceremony (latter) of 2015


25 Jul. ~ 31 Jul.

Application of 2nd semester