Ajou Vision 5.0 Global Campus


Application for Global Leaders Belt Program

  • 한기웅
  • 2015-06-10
  • 1146

How to apply certification of Global Leaders Belt Program in 1st semester 2015

Certification of Global Leaders Belt Program fosters talented students to fulfil their global competencies in ASB. Here are the guidelines, how to apply for the certification of 1st semester in 2015:

1. Eligibility: Information available on our School of Business homepage
   Global ABIZ -> Global Leaders Belt Program

2. Scholarship classified by belts
  a) Black belt scholarship: Award 100% scholarship on remaining semester’s (8 semester basis) tuition
  b) Green belt scholarship: Award 50% scholarship on remaining semester’s (8 semester basis) tuition
  c) Yellow belt scholarship: 500,000 won scholarship on 1 semester
  d) White belt scholarship: 200,000 won scholarship on 1 semester

3. Period of application: 2015. 6. 8(Mon) ~ 2015. 6. 30(Tue) 17:00

4. Documents for submission
 a) 1 copy of academic report (Semester progress – e.g. 2014. 2 grades). Dispatched exchange students should submit transferred grade reports.
 b) 1 copy of language efficiency test report/grade
 c) Confirmation of voluntary services (Date and service hour records are required)
 d) Confirmation of participation, file submission, certificate of merit if already awarded.
 e) Submission of student portfolio (Distributed by Office of the School of Business)

5. Date of interview screening: Scheduled to 15th of July 2015(Wed)
* Only applicants for Greenbelt and Blackbelt

6) Place of submission: Office of the School of Business (Dasan Hall, room 317) ☎ 031)219-3622