

[행사] [2023.09.27(수)] Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium 개최 안내

  • 소프트웨어융합대학교학팀
  • 장은비
  • 작성일 2023-09-20
  • 조회수 441
대학원 인공지능학과 & AI융합네트워크학과에서는 Artificial Intelligence & AI Convergence Network Colloquium을 9월 27일(수) 오전 9시에 개최하오니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
▶ When : 2023년 9월 27일(수) 오전 9시
▶ Where : Online(Zoom)
회의 ID: 871 9227 8449
암호: 3898 
▶ Speaker : 이정훈 박사(ARM)
▶ Title : Hardware Architecture Modeling 
▶ Abstract : This talk is about hardware architecture modeling, especially in SoC architecture modeling.The hardware architecture modeling is essential in developing many IPs in SoC in order to determine golden SoC architecture design.The architecture modeling via software normally is more flexible and cost-effective than RTL simulation for performance exploration.This talk will briefly share basic hardware knowledge,and based on that, will introduce fundamental and various architecture modeling concepts and technologies.
▶ Bio : Junghoon Lee is a software engineer at ARM contributing ARM FastModel. He received Ph.D degree in KAIST in 2015 and had joined SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology) for Samsung's own GPU.His research interest is to explore and improve various computer architectures.


▶ Host : 소프트웨어학과 안정섭 교수(jsahn@ajou.ac.kr)